Modern Empress Mastery

Embrace your Divine Feminine Energy and feel authentic self-love, harmony, and confidence.

Welcome Lovely, I'm Astiana

Your self-love & divine feminine guide.

As a woman with a feminine essence, you are born with a natural intuitive gift that allows you to leap into the flow of life with strength, to attract harmony, beauty, and all that you desire.

"I Left Everything And Took A Way One-way Ticket To Bali"

If you've been with me for a while, you know that stroy, but making that kind of dramatic decision would have not been possible if I hadn't gone through an internal journey of discovery toward self-love.

Truthfully, I spent the majority of my life living in the fear of being rejected by others, so I adopted people-pleasing habits that made me feel empty inside. I was insecure, had low self-esteem, and was completely disconnected from my body. I didn't fully grasp the power of my womanly body and feminine energy. Discovering and embracing my Divine Feminine Essence changed everything—it felt like an awakening, empowering and shifting my relationship with myself.

This incredible journey was the result of another life-changing experience, a mentorship that awakened my value in performance and discipline. I achieved so much thanks to the masculine energy in me (that resides within all of us along with the feminine energy), it transformed me, both mind and body.

It felt extremely great, but I felt something was missing, I was satisfied but not really happy. I noticed I had neglected and was oblivious to an entire part of me when I found the magic of the Divine Feminine Energy. What I learned about self-development and inner work is that it's indeed a spiritual journey.

Realizing my true essence and my true potential, I now feel whole and that inspired me to live a life more full, passionate, and abundantly expanding.

It gave me the courage to choose myself and to follow unconditional love. That philosophy brought me to Bali and very soon other countries of the world.

As I leaned into this feminine power, I found unshakable confidence and authenticity. It inspired me to trust my voice and intuition, leading me to travel the world with newfound strength and grace.

The immense transformation I experienced through my journey inspired me to create Modern Empress Mastery. I struggled to express myself since childhood, but now my purpose and calling to assist you. This program is a gift from one woman to another.

I will teach you all the fundamentals that allowed me to transform my life 180°. From losing more than 40 kg to leaving my 9-5 job to building my own business and pursuing my dream career traveling the world.

I can not express the joy and bliss we can feel when we free ourselves from the things that have been holding us back from achieving our goals and living in our truth.

I want you to feel that bliss.

Build the foundations of the path

to Self-love and Divine Feminine embodiment

Modern Empress Mastery is more than a course; it's a pathway to your truest self, a journey towards wholeness, radiance, and embodiment of your authentic femininity. In this sacred exploration, we'll clear the path, heal the wounds, embrace your cycles, and empower you to radiate your divine character. Embracing and embodying my Divine Feminine Character revealed my full potential and I want that for you too.

Uncover the root cause of anything that’s keeping you stuck and disconnected from your true self. Feel secure in your femininity and move through life according to your desires.

MODULE 1 Awaken You, Inner Goddess. “How to connect with your divine essence.”

In this opening module, we will clear your desires and awaken your inner goddess. Your true essence. where your highest potential resides. Through guided exercises, we’ll visualize your ideal self and life, 

MODULE 2 Reclaim Your Feminine Self. “How to heal the wounded feminine and let go.”

In this important module, we’ll focus on reclaiming your inner self. We’ll explore how both masculine and feminine energies impact your life and identify any beliefs or habits that might be holding you back from being your best self. This module helps you step into your true power and embrace all that you can be.

MODULE 3 Harmonize with your Sacred Feminine. “How to understand and embrace your cycles and your intuition.” 

An invitation to dive into the world of the Sacred Feminine and the profound connection with your body and the natural rhythms of the Earth and the Moon. Discover the beauty of your inner cycle, Delve into the power of sisterhood, and embrace your magic.

MODULE 4 Radiate your Divine Feminine Character. "How to fully embody your true self and develop a sense of mastery.”

Embodying who you are inspired to be is the main goal. Explore the art of honoring your body by nurturing self-love, self-care, and sensuality. With the addition of somatic practices, you’ll bring your avatar to life and shine your unique charisma to the world.

This journey will inspire you to take ownership of your personal story.

This course is for you if:

  • You want to know what self-love truly is

  • You are new to the world of Divine Feminine energy

  • You feel stuck where you currently are in life and also mentally and physically.

  • You don’t know how to connect with your body

  • You are a natural generous giver but have difficulties setting boundaries, leaving yourself emotionally drained.

  • You feel like you have to handle everything by yourself

  • You feel disconnected from your femininity

  • You are insecure, lack of confidence and self-love,

  • You Neglect personal aspirations.

  • You tend to feel unworthy of receiving.

  • Feeling uncomfortable and not safe to express sensuality; and or sexuality

If you want to know what self-love truly is and you are new to the world of Divine Feminine energy and you want to know the true power that lies within you. This is the right place.

Modern Empress Mastery is here for those who want to feel inspired for life again and expand their world from the inside out. Those who want to know what true self-love is and want to tap into the potential they are born with before all the limiting beliefs appear.

Modern Empress Mastery


Or two monthly payments of $111!

MODULE 1 Awaken You, Inner Goddess.

“How to connect with your divine essence?”

MODULE 2 Reclaim Your Feminine Self.

“How to heal the wounded feminine and let go.”

MODULE 3 Harmonize with your Sacred Feminine.

"How to understand and embrace your cycles and your intuition"

MODULE 4 Radiate your Divine Feminine Character

“How to fully embody your true self and develop a sense of mastery.”

BONUS Membership to the Venus Circle Community.

Become a member of our beautiful community where women support women through this transformation

BONUS 2 Monthly Group Coaching Session.

Connect with other members of the Modern Empress Academy as we celebrate are wins and discover what has worked best in our journeys and I answer your questions.

Join the journey, to embrace your true self, and unlock your potential guided by the empowering energy of your Divine Feminine Essence.

This program is delivered in video format with accompanying workbooks, you will unlock access to one of our four Modules every 10 days. Monthly group coaching sessions will be hosted via Zoom.

© Astiana Gaston 2023